Ensofic Reiki

1 hour spiritual Healing

In Person - 




Life Force Circulation Massage


Investment NZ $140

Received from a Practitioner, Healer and Ritual Master educated, trained, and certified by the Modern Mystery School ™ 

In Person 


Byokan is the accumulation of lumps or masses of toxins that have build-up in the body causing stagnation, which is the root of illness. It also causes disturbances within the etheric, magnetic, and dharmic energy fields.


Seiheki treatment is to clear and remove the bad habits and negative traits that threaten our ability to maintain peace within ourselves and those around us.


Nentatsu-ho tratment is used to bring healing through positive affirmations. It is designed to treat bad habits, addictions, negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs.


Life Force Circulation Massage is used for negative energy removal.




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